Course Registration Terms & Conditions and Cancellation Policy

Upon enrolment into Cambrian Academy’s course(s), the participant hereby agrees to and accepts the terms and conditions stated herein:

1. Copyright & Prohibition on Recording

It is acknowledged by the course applicant that all Cambrian Academy course materials provided remain always the intellectual property of Cambrian Academy unless otherwise stated. No part of the Cambrian Academy course materials shall be reproduced without permission in any form. Audio and/or video recordings of the lectures are strictly prohibited.

2.   Funding Matters

* All Trainees/Sponsoring Companies registering for courses funded by the respective agencies (eg. SSG, WSG, IMDA, etc) are bound by the terms and conditions as set down from the relevant agencies.

For funded courses, trainees/sponsoring companies may be required to, either pay full course fees upfront or nett course fees (less the funded amount) at the point of course registration.

In the event that the trainee/sponsoring company fails to meet any of the requirements set under the funding scheme (as stated below or otherwise) resulting in the trainee’s/sponsoring company’s funding application claim being rejected by the respective funding agency, the trainee/sponsoring company is liable to pay the balance of the course fee to Cambrian Academy or to the relevant funding agency:

 • Trainee fails to meet the minimum 75% attendance for the course

 • Trainee fails to sit for the required examination/assessment, where applicable

 • Trainee fails to achieve a Competent (“C”) and/or passing grade of 75% and above outcome in the required


3.    Payment

Payment must be made before commencement of class

Modes of payment include:


ACCOUNT NUMBER : 104-900139-3

ACCOUNT HOLDER : Cambrian Academy Pte Ltd

BANK CODE : 7171



4. Request for Replacement / Withdrawal

Request for replacement in writing has to reach Cambrian Academy Pte Ltd 3 days before the commencement date.

75% refund of the total course will be given if participant notifies in writing within 7 days before the course begins.

50% of course fee will be refunded if request for replacement / withdrawal is received in writing 7 days prior to the program.

100% of course fee will not be refunded if request for replacement / withdrawal is not received in writing.

5. Certificate of Completion

You are required to fulfill a minimum of 75% attendance in order to attain the Certificate of Completion. Certificate will only be awarded within 7 working days. You are required to sign your attendance at the beginning and at the end of the class. In the aforesaid situations, you will be marked as ABSENT.

6.    Personal Data Protection Policy

In order to deliver the services requested by course participants, Cambrian Academy will collect and use personally identifiable information including name, NRIC number or other identification number, email address, address, telephone number and where necessary educational history.

 Cambrian Academy collects, uses and discloses your personal data for purposes including:

 a. to communicate with you ( whether it be for marketing, research or surveys )

 b. to provide product and services to you

 c. to comply with government regulations and

 d. such other purposes directly or indirectly connected to Cambrian Academy’s business. (collectively called

 the “ Purposes” )

Cambrian Academy Pte Ltd reserves the right to cancel or postpone the course due to the unforeseen circumstances.

For any queries or concerns regarding our cancellation and withdrawal policy or the handling of personal data, please contact our Officer at the following address:

Head Office:
33 Ubi Ave 3, #05-37, Vertex (Tower A) Singapore 408868


Office: (+65) 6509 6277
Hotline / Whatsapp: (+65) 8686 3456